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Legacy of John Jack - Part X

Additional Thoughts

There's no simple summation for John Jack's life. There are themes beyond his career that stand out, but there are too many to list in all honesty. And frankly, he was way more complex than he ever wanted to be recognized for.

That said, there are a few leitmotifs that I was aware of that are worth noting and they include: He worshipped Suze and his children (and grandchildren), loved his family in the largest sense of the word, loved every animal that came into the house, hated (I mean that in the most robust definition of “hate”) recognition of his accomplishments, took great care of his direct reports, was deeply loyal to his company, and had a temper that would scare a grizzly bear away from roast beef when he was suitably pissed off.      

Because memory is an unreliable partner, and because I am aware of so much more to say about John (even at this writing), I can’t bring myself to use the words “final thoughts” in a meaningful way. These may be the last words I write about him, but I am not sure. Plus, what I’ve written is certainly not definitive. Others should build around and on top of these words and make corrections and additions as they see fit. I merely endeavor to bring a great man’s legacy a little more light.

Things end, though, and so must this. John’s life ended with a finality that feels like a sharp stick in my side. I miss him terribly and hope you might miss him, too.

If there were one thing that your acquaintance with John M. Jack should bear with you, it’s this: Don’t quit.