
Food as a Perk

Food as a Perk

Does offering free food at work attract talent or retain employees? It’s best to consider your own circumstances before you pilot a food perk; however, firms are doing it because it works. Take a look for a more in-depth review of why (and why not) to consider it.

Decluttering Hacks: How to Deal with Too Much Stuff

Decluttering Hacks: How to Deal with Too Much Stuff

Knick knacks, novelties, gewgaws, tchotchkes, odds and ends of all sorts are crowding out space where your familiar stuff currently resides. What to do about it? Decluttering is the key, but it’s difficult without the help of a few behavioral science hacks.

Don't Short Sheet the Rewards Catalog

Don't Short Sheet the Rewards Catalog

The brand experience in loyalty programs has many points of influence. One significant point is the rewards catalog. Participants' opinions of the loyalty program are heavily influenced by their experience with the rewards catalog. This article highlights the 4 things to keep in mind when building a loyalty program awards catalog.