behavioral science

The Impact of (Good) Onboarding

The Impact of (Good) Onboarding

The cost of turnover has never been higher and onboarding has been shown to have a dramatic impact on lowering turnover costs. This blog post explores a case study of how one training manager reduced turnover by over 50% in one year by moving to a more behaviorally-focused onboarding process.

Context Matters

Context Matters

Context matters and we create context whether we are thinking about it or not. Without consideration, our communication could lack context and, therefore, lack the proper meaning in the message we’re trying to send. To insure you’re communicating well, it’s time to get reconnected to your context creator.

Personality Traits of Reviewers and Non-Reviewers

Personality Traits of Reviewers and Non-Reviewers

Product marketers rely on customer reviews to help sell their wares. But how do they encourage more? Should they try to engage customers who don’t write reviews? What demographics and psychographics should they focus on to make the most of their pleas to get more reviews? Our research with Focus Pointe Global answered those questions.

What I'd Like to Say to Oscar Munoz

What I'd Like to Say to Oscar Munoz

Airline travel could be so much better if the communication from the airline better matched our travel decision timeframe. Wouldn’t it be great to get an email announcing there’s a 95% chance you could volunteer your seat arrived the night before you were to fly?

Bigger Stones, Bigger Happiness

Bigger Stones, Bigger Happiness

Individual happiness is informed by how we perceive ourselves in comparison to others. However, that information is asymmetrical. In other words, I have very detailed information on my own life but only vague impressions of your life. But that doesn't stop us from comparing. See how we can address asymmetrical perceptions in the workplace.